Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Food Storage Frosty

Here is a great recipe from the Newsletter that uses food storage items.  It is really good!

1 1/2 C to 2 C ICE cold water-really really cold
1 1/2 C non-fat dry milk powder
2/3 C sugar
1/4 C unsweetened cocoa
2-3 C ice cubes
2 T vegetable oil

Place ALL ingredients into the blender, including the oil.  Use less water for a thicker shake, or more for a shake that's easier on your blender motor.  With lid on, process for two minutes.  Makes about 4 shakes.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Party

The ward Christmas party was Friday, December 5th.  The Ballard's did a lot of work and it turned out really nice.  They did all of the food, which was very good, and somehow, they got Santa himself to come to the party.  Santa read a story to the kids and let the kids sit on his lap.  We had a great turnout, and it was nice to be able to see everyone and chat!  Thanks again to the Ballard's and everyone who helped.

Book Of Mormon

The Bishop gave a great lesson last Sunday about both temporal and spiritual welfare.  It was a good reminder of what our priorities need to be.  We also set a goal as a ward to have the Book of Mormon read by May 1st, which means you need to read about 25 pages a week to get it done.  Doing this as a family will help bring the spirit into our homes and provide teaching opportunities for parents.  Ice cream party for all who finish (put on by the bishopric, I'm sure:)!!!